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Establishing an Early CO2 Storage Complex in Kemper County, MS (ECO2S) This Phase III award establishes Project ECO2S as one of five Phase II projects that will enter into the next phase of R&D, which centers on:Assessing and verifying safe and cost-effective commercial-scale geologic storage sites for anthropogenic (or man-made) CO2 emissions; and assessing the technical and economic viability of carbon capture or purification technologies for sources that will supply CO2 to the storage sites. Project ECO2S Phase III is exploring the concept of establishing a future, commercial-scale, over 900 MMT of capacity, CO2 Storage Complex in central Mississippi in the 2025 time frame.
Southeast Regional Carbon Storage Partnership: Offshore Gulf of Mexico (SECARB) focuses on assembling the knowledge base required for secure, long-term, large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) subsea storage, with or without enhanced hydrocarbon recovery. The Partnership supports U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) long-term objective to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the potential to implement offshore CO2 subsea storage in all of the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program Planning areas in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). The SECARB Offshore Partnership will evaluate potential storage opportunities in a specifically defined GOM Study Area.
National Experts to ISO/TC 265. Ingvild Ombudstvedt and Lena Østgaard act as Technical Experts to Working Group 3 (Storage), Working Group 6 (CO2-EOR) and Working Group 7 (Transportation of CO2 by Ship). The scope of work is to assist in bridging the gap between international, U.S. and EU regulatory frameworks, increasing knowledge and awareness of European legal framework for CCS and CO2-EOR in the working groups. Further, the scope is to assist negotiating and drafting text for the standards, do legal due diligence of the working documents, editorial work etc. Ingvild Ombudstvedt is Chair of SNK/544: norwegian delegation to ISO/TC 265 and CEN/TC 474.
Identification and analysis of promising carbon capture and utilisation technologies, including their regulatory aspects. The purpose is to identify CCU technologies TRL level 5-7 and analyze the EU legal and policy framework in place to evaluate if there are hurdles or barriers to deploy such technologies. Further, the team delivered recommendations on policy options to facilitate for the technologies. Main contributions to the project was legal assessments and recommendations under EU Law.
ECO-BASE (Establishing CO2 enhanced Oil recovery Business Advantages in South Eastern Europe). ECO-BASE is a project in which the purpose is to develop revenue streams and business models for CO2-EOR in South-Eastern Europe (SEE) supporting large scale CCUS deployment. The project is carried out locally in SEE countries: Turkey, Romania and Greece with support from TNO, the Netherlands and IRIS, Norway. The objectives are to model and optimize EOR Store, access technical, legal and regulatory incentives and bottle necks. IOM Law is sub-contracted to provide legal advice and analysis for the project.
ZEPNWT TWG ToR Collaboration across the CCS chain, risk and liability. Together with Høydalsvik Petroconsult and IRIS support was provided to the Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP) in their work on cross-chain collaboration for CCS activities.
An analysis of the export prohibition under the London Protocol. An analysis of alternative options for Norway, the UK and the Netherlands to implement a PCI project for CCS with storage in Norway, despite an existing export prohibition under Article 6 in the London Protocol. The results of the Project were presented at GHGT-14 in Melbourne 2018 and will further be published early 2019.
CCUS ZEN. CCUS ZEN is exploring the potential for accelerating deployment of CCUS in two regions with lower maturity level for CCUS compared to the current development in the North Sea region, namely the Baltic Sea Region and the Mediterranean Sea Region. The project aims to contribute to the accelerated deployment of CCUS throughout Europe by enabling mutual, continuous learning between different stakeholder types and between European regions. The project is identifying viable value chains in the regions, creating a roadmap for developing CCUS value chains. IOM Law provides the legal analyses for the project. This includes, inter alia, undertaking a legal mapping of the relevant international, regional and national legal frameworks applicable to the countries included in the study. Issues pertaining to e.g. risk, liability and contracts for the value chains will be considered. The project will be completed spring 2025.
CLIMIT Study: A complementary analysis to Gassnova's Regulatory Lessons Learned from Longship. The firm has recieved funding to address the issued highlighted by Gassnova in their 2022 report on regulatory lessons learned from Longship. The report will follow up on the regulatory issues identified in the 2022 Report, consider new developments and progress, and comment on possible solutions to gaps and barriers.
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